Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity Statement
Our schools are inclusive; we focus on the well-being and progress of every child and we are committed to ensuring all members of our community are of equal worth. Our approach is based on key principles.
- Respect all families – regardless of background;
- Aim for inclusion, cooperation and respect to be evident in all schools;
- Value differences - by recognising that each child is unique;
- Understand diversity, e.g. in terms of disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, belief or faith and sexual orientation - to be a strength;
- Expect all curriculum subjects to enrich content by looking beyond a traditional and often clichéd range of references;
- Implement exemplary equality practices with our staff;
- Encourage each school to savour and take pride in its own institutional history and celebrate the unique place it occupies in its particular community;
- Have the highest possible expectations of all our children, expecting them to make good progress and achieve their potential.